Creating a Feed Without Dependent Packages

Use nipkg, the Command Line Interface (CLI) of NI Package Manager, to create a directory feed without dependent packages.

You must use NI Package Manager to create new feeds and append to existing feeds from packages located in a source directory. For more information on the nipkg command, refer to the NI Package Manager manual or by executing nipkg.exe help feed-create in the command line.

NI Package Manager can . For more information on the nipkg command, refer to the NI Package Manager manual,

  1. Copy all packages (.nipkg) that you want to include in a feed to a single directory.
  2. Open the command prompt.
  3. Navigate to the NI Package Manager directory.
    The default location is C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager.
  4. Use the following command to create a feed:
    nipkg feed-create “<target location of feed>” “<location of source directory>” 

    For example, if you enter C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager nipkg feed-create C:\temp\myTestFeed C:\temp\myTestPackage, NI Package Manager creates the feed manifest files in the C:\temp\myTestFeed directory using the package files in C:\temp\myTestPackage.

Check the target location to ensure that the feed and manifest files have been created. You can now distribute the source directory to your recipients.