Advanced Options
- Updated2022-05-25
- 1 minute(s) read
Advanced Options

Use TestStand environment file—When you enable this option, you can specify a
TestStand environment file to be used for discovery or staging files instead of the active
environment in TestStand.
- Environment file—The path to the .tsenv environment file to use for discovery and/or staging.
- Use environment for discovery—When you enable this option, the environment file specified is used to resolve environment paths used in sequence files.
- Use environment for staging—When you enable this option, the
environment file specified is used to define the [TestStand Application
Data] and [TestStand Public Documents] target root
- Destination package—The package that will include the specified .tsenv environment file.
- Destination target root directory—The target root directory within the destination package where the .tsenv environment file will be deployed.
- Destination subdirectory—The subdirectory within the destination target root directory where the .tsenv environment file will be deployed.