NI-Industrial Communications for EtherCAT

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Programming Language
Current manual

Adding, Editing, or Removing an EtherCAT Slave Device

Adding, Editing, or Removing an EtherCAT Slave Device

You can perform the following operations on the EtherCAT slave device item:

Adding an EtherCAT Slave Device

Adding an Online EtherCAT Slave Device

Complete the following steps to add a slave device after you connect a slave device to the EtherCAT Ethernet adapter of a controller.

  1. Right-click the master item in the LabVIEW Project Explorer and select New»Targets and Devices to display the Add Targets and Devices dialog box.
  2. Select Existing Target or Device and expand the EtherCAT Device category to discover the available EtherCAT slave devices.
  3. Select an EtherCAT device and click OK.
  4. (Optional) For the NI 9145, if you have programmed the FPGA, a Discover dialog box appears. Click Discover to add an FPGA target, C Series modules that operate in FPGA mode, and user-defined variables. You also can select the Do Not Discover option to skip this operation.
Caution Caution  Discovering C Series modules under FPGA mode stops current FPGA execution and resets the state of output channels.

Adding an Offline EtherCAT Slave Device

Follow these steps to add a slave device that is not connected to a physical master:

  1. Right-click the master item in the LabVIEW Project Explorer and select New»Targets and Devices to display the Add Targets and Devices dialog box.
  2. Select New Target or Device and expand the EtherCAT Device category.
  3. Select the EtherCAT slave device type and click OK.

Editing an EtherCAT Slave Device

To edit an EtherCAT slave device item, right-click the slave device item in the LabVIEW Project Explorer and select Properties to display the EtherCAT Slave Device Properties dialog box.

Removing an EtherCAT Slave Device

To remove an EtherCAT slave device item, right-click the slave device item in the LabVIEW Project Explorer and select Remove from Project.

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