NI-Industrial Communications for CANopen

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Programming Language
Current manual

Error Codes

Error Codes

The CANopen VIs can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−2147137023 An internal fault occurred in the NI-IndCom for CANopen driver. Contact National Instruments and provide the copErrorLog.log file. On CompactRIO and PXI, this file is under C:\ni-rt\config. On Windows7 or Windows Vista, this file is under C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\NI-IndCom for CANopen\. On Windows XP, this file is under C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\National Instruments\NI-IndCom for CANopen\.
−2147137022 Board self-test failed (code 2). Reinstall the driver or switch the slot(s) of the board(s). If the error persists, contact National Instruments.
−2147137020 Board self-test failed (code 4). Reinstall the driver or switch the slot(s) of the board(s). If the error persists, contact National Instruments.
−2147137019 Board self-test failed (code 5). Reinstall the driver or switch the slot(s) of the board(s). If the error persists, contact National Instruments.
−2147137018 Board self-test failed (code 6). Reinstall the driver or switch the slot(s) of the board(s). If the error persists, contact National Instruments.
−2147137017 Computer went to the hibernation mode and the board lost power. Disable the hibernation mode in the Windows Control Panel.
−2147137016 A write queue overflowed. Wait until the queue space becomes available and try again.
−2147137015 The firmware of the board does not answer a command. Stop the application and execute a self-test. Try deactivating and reactivating the driver in the Device Manager. If the problem persists, contact National Instruments.
−2147137014 The operation timed out. Specify a sufficient timeout value for the operation, or improve the performance of the operation (for example. read less data).
−2147137013 A read queue overflowed. Reduce your data rate or call Read more frequently.
−2147137012 The Read buffer is insufficient for a single frame. Provide a buffer large enough.
−2147137009 The self-test cannot start because the board is occupied by an application. Stop all CANopen applications before executing a self-test.
−2147137008 Allocation of memory failed. You do not have sufficient memory.
−2147137007 The maximum number of sessions has exceeded. Reduce the session number and try again.
−2147137006 The maximum number of connection objects has exceeded. Reduce the connection objects in sessions and try again.
−2147137005 The maximum number of interface devices has exceeded. Reduce the device number and try again.
−2147137004 A driver support file is missing. Reinstall the driver and try again. If the error persists, contact National Instruments.
−2147137003 Board self-test failed (code 17). Reinstall the driver or switch the slot(s) of the board(s) before executing a self-test. If the error persists, contact National Instruments.
−2147136992 An invalid reference has been passed to a CANopen function. Ensure the reference is from the CANopen VIs.
−2147136991 An invalid handle has been passed to a CANopen system function. Ensure the system handle is valid.
−2147136990 A device handle was expected for a CANopen function.
−2147136989 An interface handle was expected for a CANopen function.
−2147136987 LabVIEW cannot create a Timing Source VI on Windows. This VI is supported on LabVIEW Real-Time targets only.
−2147136911 The transceiver value is invalid or you are trying to perform an operation that requires a different transceiver.
−2147136910 The baud rate value is invalid.
−2147136909 The baud rate value is empty.
−2147136908 The bit timing value is invalid. Ensure the value is valid.
−2147136907 The baud rate set does not match the allowed range of the transceiver. Change either the baud rate or the transceiver.
−2147136906 The configured timing source is unknown for this interface. Ensure the timing source configuration is valid.
−2147136905 The configured synchronization source is inappropriate for the hardware. Choose an appropriate timing source for the hardware.
−2147136904 The source that you connected to the Master Timebase destination is missing. The interface verifies the source configuration when the interface receives a start trigger. Verify that your cables are configured correctly and that your timebase source is generating an appropriate waveform.
−2147136903 The source that you connected to the Master Timebase destination does not generate an appropriate signal. The interface receives a signal with an unsupported frequency. Verify that your source is generating a signal at a supported frequency.
−2147136895 An input value of a CANopen VI is invalid, for example, a null pointer is passed. Ensure the input values are valid.
−2147136892 The CANopen hardware cannot be found. Ensure the CANopen hardware is correctly installed. Ensure you use the correct port name. You can get your device port name(s) in MAX.
−2147136880 The specified interface is not valid or does not exist. Specify a valid and existing interface port name.
−2147136879 The interface name is not valid. Ensure the interface name is valid. The name of the CANopen interface is an ASCII string with format "CANopenxx", where x is a decimal number starting at one that indicates which interface is being used. The valid range of interface names is from "CANopen01" to "CANopen32".
−2147136878 The object handle passed in is not valid. Ensure you use a correct object handle returned from the CANopen VIs and make sure the object is not closed.
−2147136874 The interface object already exists. You must specify another CAN interface to create an interface object.
−2147136873 The object has not been started. You must start the object before using it.
−2147136872 The object has already been created. The same object cannot be created again.
−2147136868 The property size is not correct. Check the manual or header file to determine the correct property size.
−2147136867 The property ID and the object handle do not match. For example, the property ID belongs to the SDO object, but the object handle passed in is a handle of the PDO object. Ensure you use an appropriate property ID for the given object type.
−2147136863 The operation cannot be done in the current stage. Check the order of the operation and ensure the operation is at the appropriate stage.
−2147136862 The buffer size is insufficient for the requested operation. Ensure the buffer size is sufficient for the requested operation.
−2147136858 The property value or the parameter value is not valid. Ensure the property value or the parameter value is in the valid range.
−2147136856 You tried to blink the port LEDs that are currently busy. Stop all applications running on that port. Do not access the port from MAX or the LabVIEW Project Explorer.
−2147136855 You tried to set a queue size that exceeds the maximum queue size value. Specify an in-range queue size.
−2147136847 The operation is invalid for this CANopen interface. Perform this operation on a suitable interface.
−2147136846 The operation cannot be performed because the last service is pending. Wait for the last operation to complete or abort the operation.
−2147136845 The response data is incorrect. Call the corresponding WaitForResponse function for the operation.
−2147136765 The firmware received an unknown property code. Ensure the request property code is pre-defined.
−2147136764 A bus off error occurs on the bus. Clear the bus off error physically. Then reopen the interface. Refer to the Troubleshooting CANopen Applications topic in the NI-Industrial Communications for CANopen Help for instructions of clearing bus off errors.
−2147136763 The operation cannot be performed when the object is started. Stop the object and try again.
−2147136758 The CANopen frames on this CANopen bus exceed the bandwidth of the CANopen hardware. Some of the CAN frames may be discarded. Reduce the CAN frames on the bus by connecting less CANopen devices or changing the device configuration.
−2147136756 The CANopen driver is not installed correctly. Reinstall the CANopen driver and try again.
−2147136755 The COB-ID is occupied. Choose a different COB-ID and try again.
−2147136754 The buffer for sending out CAN frames is full. Adjust the speed of sending CAN frames.
−2147136753 The value of COB-ID is invalid. Change the COB-ID to a valid value. If the COB-ID is an 11 bit COB-ID, the bit 29 (0-based) should be 0. If the COB-ID is a 29 bit COB-ID, the bit 29 (0-based) should be 1.
−2147136752 The maximum number of total objects has exceeded. Create fewer objects (PDO, SDO etc).
−2147136733 The size of the returned data does not match the requested data type. Check the data type of the object being read by SDO and choose the right data type when reading the SDO.
−2147136732 The operation failed.
−2147136672 One or multiple section names in the EDS file are empty or contain invalid characters. Correct the section name manually or contact the support of your CANopen device company to get a correct EDS file.
−2147136671 One or multiple entry names in the EDS file are empty or contain invalid characters. Correct the entry name manually or contact the support of your CANopen device company to get a correct EDS file.
−2147136670 The format of the EDS file is invalid. Correct the EDS file manually or contact the support of your CANopen device company to get a correct EDS file.
−2147136669 One of the entries is not defined below a section. Correct the EDS file manually or contact the support of your CANopen device company to get a correct EDS file.
−2147136668 The EDS file cannot be read. Ensure the EDS file exists and is readable.
−2147136667 You are trying to start an interface that is missing bus power for the transceiver. Some physical layers on NI-CANopen hardware are internally powered, but others require external power in order for the port to operate. This error occurs when starting an interface on hardware that requires external power when no power is detected. Supply proper voltage to your transceiver. Refer to the CANopen Hardware book of the NI-Industrial Communications for CANopen Help for more information.
−2147136666 Cannot create a connection to the CANopen module. Reinstall the CANopen driver and ensure the remote real-time target is turned on and working correctly.
−2147136665 The device information (Vendor ID, Product Code, etc.) cannot be read by using SDO. Ensure the CANopen device is connected to the bus and the specified node-ID matches the node-ID of the CANopen device.
−2147136664 Cannot connect to the remote real-time device. Ensure the IP address of the real-time device is correct and the CANopen driver is installed on the device.
−2147136663 The device does not respond. Ensure the device supports LSS and use the correct device product information to communicate with the device again.
346634 The operation timed out. Specify a timeout long enough to complete the operation, or change the operation in a way that it can get completed in less time (for example, read less data).
346635 A read queue overflowed. Reduce your data rate or call Read more frequently.
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