Toolbar Controls (Data Logger)

Use the toolbar controls to perform common tasks for the Data Logger. The toolbar is located at the top of the SFP.

Control Description
Drag and drop 1378 Drags and drops the SFP to the desired position within the browser window. Large SFPs such as the Oscilloscope are always located to the left of small SFPs such as the Variable Power Supplies (VPS). Your window size decides whether the SFPs are arranged vertically or horizontally.
Dropdown 1378

Click 1378 to open the current SFP in a separate browser window. To restore it to the original window, close the SFP by clicking 1378 and launch it again.

Run/Stop Click Run to start data acquisition or generation. Click Stop to stop data acquisition or generation.
Collaboration 1378 Indicates whether you are controlling or viewing the instrument, and whether others are using the instrument simultaneously. Click the button to request or release your control over the instrument. For more information, refer to Collaborating with Your Team Members.
Collapse/Expand 1378 Collapses or expands the configuration pane on the right side of the panel.