Oscilloscope Specifications

Specifications are Typical unless otherwise noted.

Number of channels


Maximum sampling rate (per channel)

with repetitive sampling enabled

400 MS/s

without repetitive sampling enabled

100 MS/s


14 bits


50 MHz at -3 dB [1]

Input impedance

1 MΩ ‖ 15 pF

Input coupling


AC coupling cut-off frequency

12 Hz at -3 dB

Overvoltage protection

±50 V


2% of input + 1% of full scale

Table 2. Input Range
Range Full Scale Offset Offset Accuracy
High gain (≤200 mV/div) 2 V peak-to-peak ±1 V ±25 mV
Low gain (>200 mV/div) 50 V peak-to-peak ±25 V ±625 mV
Note Input voltages should not exceed 50 V DC or 30 V RMS.

1 A probe with appropriate frequency response is required to reach the specified 50 MHz oscilloscope bandwidth.