Frequency Sweep

You can generate sweep signals with the Function and Arbitrary Waveform Generator (FGen/Arb). During a frequency sweep, the frequency of the sweep signal changes continuously from the minimum to the maximum or vice versa, at the interval you specify.

The following table shows an example of configuring the FGen/Arb to generate a swept sine wave.

Control Value
Mode Sweep
Waveform Sine
Start frequency 1.0 Hz
Stop frequency 4.0 Hz
Step 1.0 Hz
Step interval 1.0 s
Generation mode Run once

When you configure the FGen/Arb as in the previous table, the instrument generates a waveform as follows:

Figure 1. Output waveform when Generation mode is Run Once


The following figure explains how the frequency increases from 1.0 Hz to 4.0 Hz at the interval of 1.0 Hz. The frequency changes every one second, as specified in Step interval.

Figure 2. Frequency of the output waveform when Generation mode is Run Once


If Generation mode is set to Loop, the instrument generates the waveform continuously. The frequency first increases from 1.0 Hz to 4.0 Hz, and then goes back to 1.0 Hz and increases to 4.0 Hz again. The sweep continues until the instrument stops running.

Figure 3. Output waveform when Generation mode is Loop


Figure 4. Frequency of the output waveform when Generation mode is Loop