Display Window (Data Logger)

The Data Logger displays the acquired signals on the left side of the panel.

Use Cursors to measure a given point on the signal trace, or compare the differences between two points. You can select one of the three modes for a cursor:

Cursor Mode Description
Off Turns off the cursors.
Track Cursor positions are restricted to the acquired data points on a trace.
Manual Cursors positions are not restricted to the acquired data points on a trace.

When Cursors is set to Manual or Track, a table appears above the display with the following data:

Column    Description
C1 Displays the time and voltage readings for Cursor 1.
C2 Displays the time and voltage readings for Cursor 2.
|Δ Value| Displays the absolute time and voltage differences between Cursor 1 and Cursor 2.

The Data Logger's logging status shows in the upper right corner of the graph. The Data Logger has the following logging statuses:

  • Waiting—The instrument is waiting for trigger.
  • Logging—The instrument is logging data.
  • Stopped—The instrument is stopped. This occurs when you click Stop
  • Completed—The instrument completes logging data. This occurs when a stop trigger or a buffer overflow occurs.