NI-DAQmx Properties

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Product DocumentationNI-DAQmx Properties...NI-DAQmx PropertiesDAQmx ChannelAnalog Input:General Properties:Signal Conditioning:Sensor Power:Type PropertyCurrent page
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Analog Input:General Properties:Signal Conditioning:Sensor Power:Type Property

Analog Input:General Properties:Signal Conditioning:Sensor Power:Type Property

Short Name: AI.SensorPower.Type

Property of DAQmx Channel

Specifies the type of power supplied to the sensor.

AC (10045) Sensor power supply generates an AC voltage.
DC (10050) Sensor power supply generates a single DC voltage level.
BipolarDC (16147) Sensor power supply generates a pair of DC voltage levels.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Settable while task is runningdevice-specific
Available in Run-Time Engineyes
In This Section
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