NI-DAQmx Properties

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Counter Input:Period:Measurement Specifications:Method Property

Counter Input:Period:Measurement Specifications:Method Property

Short Name: CI.Period.MeasMeth

Property of DAQmx Channel

Specifies the method to use to measure the period of the signal.

Low Frequency with 1 Counter (10105) Use one counter that uses a constant timebase to measure the input signal.
High Frequency with 2 Counters (10157) Use two counters, one of which counts pulses of the signal to measure during the specified measurement time.
Large Range with 2 Counters (10205) Use one counter to divide the frequency of the input signal to create a lower-frequency signal that the second counter can more easily measure.
Dynamic Averaging (16065) Uses one counter with configuration options to control the amount of averaging or filtering applied to the counter measurements. Set filtering options to balance measurement accuracy and noise versus latency.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Settable while task is runningdevice-specific
Available in Run-Time Engineyes
In This Section
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