NI-DAQmx VI and Function Reference

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DAQmx Timed Loop VI and Function

DAQmx Timed Loop VI and Function

Owning Palette: DAQmx Real Time VIs and Function
Installed With: NI-DAQmx

Use the DAQmx Timed Loop VI and function to create and configure timing sources for Timed Loops.

Palette Object Description
DAQmx Create Timing Source

Creates a timing source for a Timed Loop. The timing source is based on signals a device generates. The instances of this polymorphic VI correspond to the type of signal to use for the timing source. Wire the timing source out output to the source input of the Input Node of a Timed Loop to use this timing source with that Timed Loop.

DAQmx Timing Source Property Node

A Property Node with the DAQmx Timing Source class preselected. Right-click the Property Node and choose Select Filter from the shortcut menu to make the Property Node show only the properties supported by a particular device installed in the system or supported by all the devices installed in the system.

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