NI-DAQ™mx C Reference

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Product DocumentationNI-DAQ™mx C ReferenceGet/Set/Reset DO_OutputDriveTypeCurrent page
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Get/Set/Reset DO_OutputDriveType

Get/Set/Reset DO_OutputDriveType

int32 __CFUNC DAQmxGetDOOutputDriveType(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char channel[], int32 *data);

int32 __CFUNC DAQmxSetDOOutputDriveType(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char channel[], int32 data);

int32 __CFUNC DAQmxResetDOOutputDriveType(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char channel[]);


DAQmxGetDOOutputDriveType gets the Digital Output >> Output Drive Type property.

DAQmxSetDOOutputDriveType sets the Digital Output >> Output Drive Type property.

DAQmxResetDOOutputDriveType resets the Digital Output >> Output Drive Type property.

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