NI-DAQ™mx C Reference

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Product DocumentationNI-DAQ™mx C ReferenceDigital Input >> Timing >> Sample ModesCurrent page
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Digital Input >> Timing >> Sample Modes

Digital Input >> Timing >> Sample Modes

Data Type: int32*
Description: Indicates the sample modes supported by devices that support sample clocked digital input.
Restrictions: Not Settable

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps 10178 Acquire or generate a finite number of samples.
DAQmx_Val_ContSamps 10123 Acquire or generate samples until you stop the task.
DAQmx_Val_HWTimedSinglePoint 12522 Acquire or generate samples continuously using hardware timing without a buffer. Hardware timed single point sample mode is supported only for the sample clock and change detection timing types.

You can get this property using:

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