NI-DAQmx .NET Class Library Help

You can use this class library to communicate with and control an NI data acquisition (DAQ) device. Some DAQ devices are not currently supported by the NI-DAQmx driver. Refer to the NI-DAQmx Readme for a complete listing of supported hardware.

Note This help file links to the .NET Framework 4.0 documentation. If installed, NI-DAQmx .NET documentation containing API reference for .NET Framework 4.5 support and API reference for .NET Framework 4.5.1 support is also available. These help files are installed in the same file location as the associated class libraries.

For additional information on developing applications using NI drivers and the .NET Framework, refer to or visit and enter the Info Code NIdotNET.

You can find example applications by selecting National Instruments » NI-DAQmx » NI-DAQmx Examples in the Start menu.

Note NI recommends using Measurement Studio Installer Builder to create an installer for your .NET application; however, NI Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio 2010 supports using setup projects and merge modules to deploy applications.