NI Single-Board RIO CLIP Generator Help

Figure 196.

Use this help file with the NI Single-Board RIO (sbRIO) Component-Level IP (CLIP) Generator application, which you can use to generate a unique socketed CLIP that you can import into a LabVIEW project for the following targets:

  • NI sbRIO-9607
  • NI sbRIO-9627
  • NI sbRIO-9651 System on Module (SOM)

The sbRIO CLIP Generator completes the following tasks for you:

  • Generates processor peripherals
  • Configures the raw FPGA I/O pins
  • Generates a LabVIEW FPGA I/O Node interface for the socketed CLIP

You can launch the sbRIO CLIP Generator in the following ways:

  • From the LabVIEW Project Explorer window, right-click Chassis (<target>)»FPGA Target and select Launch sbRIO CLIP Generator.
  • (Windows 8.x) Click the NI Launcher tile on the Start screen and select CompactRIO»Single-Board RIO»sbRIO CLIP Generator.
  • (Windows 7 or earlier) Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»CompactRIO»Single-Board RIO»sbRIO CLIP Generator.
Table 864.
Get started: 

Creating Component-Level IP for an NI sbRIO Target

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