NI-9234 Specifications

NI-9234 Specifications

These specifications apply to the NI-9234.

Revision History

Version Date changed Description
377849B-01 February 2025 Updated accuracy table.
377849A-01 June 2023 Initial release.

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Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.

Specifications are Typical unless otherwise noted.


Specifications are valid for the range -40 °C to 70 °C unless otherwise noted.

NI-9234 Pinout

The NI-9234 provides connections to four simultaneously sampled analog input channels.

Figure 1. NI-9234 Pinout

Tip To minimize ground noise, prevent the metal shells of the BNC connectors from coming in contact with each other, the modules, or the chassis.
Table 1. Signal Descriptions
Signal Signal Description
AI+ Provides DC excitation (when enabled) and positive input signal connection
AI- Provides excitation return path and signal ground reference

Input Characteristics

Number of channels

4 analog input channels

ADC resolution

24 bits

Type of ADC

Delta-Sigma (with analog prefiltering)

Sampling mode


Type of TEDS supported

IEEE 1451.4 TEDS Class I

Table 2. Internal master timebase (fM)
Frequency 13.1072 MHz
Accuracy ±50 ppm
Table 3. Data Rate Range (fs)
Timebase Used Minimum Maximum
Internal Master Timebase 1.652 kS/s 51.2 kS/s
External Master Timebase 0.391 kS/s 52.734 kS/s

Data rates [1]1 The data rate must remain within the appropriate data range. (fs)

(fM ÷ 256)/n, n = 1, 2, ..., 31

Input coupling

AC/DC (software-selectable)

Table 4. AC cutoff frequency
-3 dB 0.5 Hz
-0.1 dB 4.6 Hz maximum
Figure 2. AC Cutoff Frequency Response

Input range

±5 V

Table 5. AC voltage full-scale range
Minimum ±5 Vpk
Typical ±5.1 Vpk
Maximum ±5.2 Vpk

Common-mode voltage range (AI- to earth ground)

±2 V maximum

Table 6. IEPE excitation current (software-selectable on/off)
Minimum 2.0 mA
Typical 2.1 mA

Power-on glitch

90 μA for 10 μs

IEPE compliance voltage

19 V maximum

If you are using an IEPE sensor, use the following equation to make sure your configuration meets the IEPE compliance voltage range.

  • (Vcommon-mode + Vbias ± Vfull-scale) must be 0 to 19


  • V common-mode is the common-mode voltage applied to the NI 9234
  • V bias is the bias voltage of the IEPE sensor
  • V full-scale is the full-scale voltage of the IEPE sensor
Table 7. Overvoltage protection (with respect to chassis ground)
For a signal source connected to AI+ and AI- ±30 V
For a low-impedance source connected to AI+ and AI- -6 V to 30 V

Input delay

(40 + 13/512)/fs + 2.6 μs

Table 8. Accuracy
Measurement Conditions Percent of Reading (Gain Error) Percent of Range[2]2 Range = 5.1 Vpk (Offset Error)
Within 1 Year of Calibration Within 10 Years of Calibration Within 1 Year of Calibration Within 10 Years of Calibration
Calibrated Maximum (-40 °C to 70 °C) 0.34%, ±0.03 dB 0.56%, ±0.05 dB ±0.14%, 7.1 mV ±0.19%, 9.5 mV
Typical (25 °C±5 °C) 0.05%, ±0.005 dB 0.12%, ±0.01 dB ±0.006%, 0.3 mV ±0.009%, 0.5 mV
Uncalibrated[3]3 Uncalibrated accuracy refers to the accuracy achieved when acquiring in raw or unscaled modes where the calibration constants stored in the module are not applied to the data. Maximum (-40 °C to 70 °C) 1.9%, ±0.16 dB 2.12%, ±0.18 dB ±0.27%, 13.9 mV ±0.32%, 16.3 mV
Typical (25 °C±5 °C) 0.48%, ±0.04 dB 0.55%, ±(0.05 dB) ±0.04%, 2.3 mV ±0.05%, 2.5 mV
Note NI recommends a calibration interval of 1 year and only provides calibration services referencing the 1-year specification limits. If you choose to calibrate less often, the 10-year column provides predicted performance over this extended interval. Choose an appropriate interval based on your application requirements. Longer calibration intervals are more likely to result in As-Found calibration failures when the device is sent back for calibration and compared against the 1-year specification limits.
Table 9. Gain drift
Typical 0.14 mdB/°C (16 ppm/°C)
Maximum 0.45 mdB/°C (52 ppm/°C)
Table 10. Offset drift
Typical 19.2 μV/°C
Maximum 118 μV/°C
Table 11. Channel-to-channel matching
Phase (fin in kHz) (fin * 0.045° + 0.04 maximum)
Gain Typical 0.01 dB
Maximum 0.04 dB
Table 12. Passband
Frequency 0.45 * fs
Flatness (fs = 51.2 kS/s) 40 mdB (pk-to-pk maximum)

Phase nonlinearity (fs = 51.2 kS/s)

±0.45° maximum

Table 13. Stopband
Frequency 0.55 * fs
Rejection 100 dB

Alias-free bandwidth

0.45 * fs

Oversample rate

64 * fs

Crosstalk (1 kHz)

-110 dB

Table 14. CMRR (fin1 kHz)
Minimum 40 dB
Typical 47 dB

SFDR (fin = 1 kHz, -60 dBFS)

120 dB

Table 15. Idle Channel Noise and Noise Density
Idle Channel 51.2 kS/s 25.6 kS/s 2.048 kS/s
Noise 97 dBFS 99 dBFS 103 dBFS
50 μVrms 40 μVrms 25 μVrms
Noise density 310 nV/√Hz 350 nV/√Hz 780 nV/√Hz
Table 16. Input impedance
Differential 305 kΩ
AI- (shield) to chassis ground 50 Ω
Table 17. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
Input Amplitude 1 kHz 8 kHz
-1 dBFS -95 dB -87 dB
-20 dBFS -95 dB -80 dB
Table 18. Intermodulation distortion (-1 dBFS)
DIN 250 Hz/8 kHz 4:1 amplitude ratio -80 dB
CCIF 11 kHz/12 kHz 1:1 amplitude ratio -93 dB


390,362 hours at 25 °C; Bellcore Issue 2, Method 1, Case 3, Limited Part Stress Method

Power Requirements

Power consumption from chassis

Active mode

900 mW maximum

Sleep mode

25 μW maximum

Thermal dissipation (at 70 °C)

Active mode

930 mW maximum

Sleep mode

25 μW maximum

Physical Characteristics


Visit and search by module number.


173 g (6.1 oz)

Safety Voltages

Connect only voltages that are within the following limits:

Channel-to-earth ground

±30 V maximum, Measurement Category I




Channel-to-earth ground


Measurement Category I

Warning Do not connect the product to signals or use for measurements within Measurement Categories II, III, or IV, or for measurements on MAINs circuits or on circuits derived from Overvoltage Category II, III, or IV which may have transient overvoltages above what the product can withstand. The product must not be connected to circuits that have a maximum voltage above the continuous working voltage, relative to earth or to other channels, or this could damage and defeat the insulation. The product can only withstand transients up to the transient overvoltage rating without breakdown or damage to the insulation. An analysis of the working voltages, loop impedances, temporary overvoltages, and transient overvoltages in the system must be conducted prior to making measurements.
Mise en garde Ne pas connecter le produit à des signaux dans les catégories de mesure II, III ou IV et ne pas l'utiliser pour des mesures dans ces catégories, ou des mesures sur secteur ou sur des circuits dérivés de surtensions de catégorie II, III ou IV pouvant présenter des surtensions transitoires supérieures à ce que le produit peut supporter. Le produit ne doit pas être raccordé à des circuits ayant une tension maximale supérieure à la tension de fonctionnement continu, par rapport à la terre ou à d'autres voies, sous peine d'endommager et de compromettre l'isolation. Le produit peut tomber en panne et son isolation risque d'être endommagée si les tensions transitoires dépassent la surtension transitoire nominale. Une analyse des tensions de fonctionnement, des impédances de boucle, des surtensions temporaires et des surtensions transitoires dans le système doit être effectuée avant de procéder à des mesures.

Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution system referred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers equipment. This category is for measurements of voltages from specially protected secondary circuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, special equipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits powered by regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.

Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O are equivalent. These test and measurement circuits are for other circuits not intended for direct connection to the MAINS building installations of Measurement Categories CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV.

Environmental Characteristics



-40 °C to 70 °C


-40 °C to 85 °C



10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensing


5% RH to 95% RH, noncondensing

Ingress protection


Pollution Degree


Maximum altitude

5,000 m

Shock and Vibration
Operating vibration


5 g RMS, 10 Hz to 500 Hz


5 g, 10 Hz to 500 Hz

Operating shock

30 g, 11 ms half sine; 50 g, 3 ms half sine; 18 shocks at 6 orientations

To meet these shock and vibration specifications, you must panel mount the system.


You can obtain the calibration certificate and information about calibration services for the NI-9234 at
Recommended calibration interval 1 year

1 The data rate must remain within the appropriate data range.

2 Range = 5.1 Vpk

3 Uncalibrated accuracy refers to the accuracy achieved when acquiring in raw or unscaled modes where the calibration constants stored in the module are not applied to the data.