Installing Software on the NI-7935R

  1. Open Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
  2. Expand the system under Remote Systems by clicking the arrow beside it.
  3. Select Software.
  4. Click Add/Remove Software at the top of the Software tab to launch the LabVIEW Real-Time Software Wizard.
    Note A login window appears if you set a system password.
  5. Select a recommended software set to install.
  6. Click Next.
  7. The recommended software set is preselected from the list of software add-ons. Check any additional software add-ons you want. The System State Publisher, for example, makes monitoring system performance simple.
    Note You can use the LabVIEW Real-Time Software Wizard to install more software add-ons later. The FlexRIO Recommended Software Set is enough to get started.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the summary of software to install. Click Next to begin the update.
  10. Wait for the installation to finish, and then click Finish.