Custom Accessories

If you are creating a custom accessory to use with a DUT with a VHDCI DDC connector, you can purchase the mating connector for the VHDCI cable from NI. For more information about creating these custom accessories, refer to the Interfacing to the NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer using the VHDCI Connector application note.

If you are designing a custom accessory to use with a device that uses an InfiniBand connector, you can also purchase this connector from NI.

Visit and enter the Info Code rdinwa to download this note.

Note If you design a custom cabling solution with the DDC connector (779157-01) and SHB12X-B12X shielded cable (192344-01), the NI 6589 pinout is reversed at the end connector. For example, the signal shown on pin 1 maps to pin 73 at the end connector.

For more information about connecting I/O signals on your device, refer to the NI 6589 Specifications.