Accessing FlexRIO Examples

FlexRIO examples are available in LabVIEW's NI Example Finder. Complete the following steps to access the examples by task.
  1. In LabVIEW, click Help » Find Examples.
  2. In the NI Example Finder window that appears, click Hardware Input and Output » FlexRIO.

    Click on an example and refer to the Information window for a description of the example. Refer the Requirements window for a list of hardware that can run the example.

    You can also click the Search tab to search all installed examples by keyword. For example, search for FlexRIO to locate all FlexRIO examples.

Online examples are also available to demonstrate FlexRIO basics, such as using DRAM, acquiring data from adapter modules, and performing high throughput streaming. To access these examples, search FlexRIO examples in the Search the community field at