Measurement Studio Installer Builder

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Walkthrough: Deploying the TemperatureSystem Example

Walkthrough: Deploying the TemperatureSystem Example

Complete the following walkthrough to deploy the Measurement Studio TemperatureSystem shipping example using Installer Builder.

Creating the TemperatureSystem executable

  1. Open C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\MStudioVS<version>\DotNET\Examples\Application\TemperatureSystem\cs\TemperatureSystem.<version>.sln in Visual Studio.
  2. Right-click the solution in Visual Studio Solution Explorer and select Configuration Manager.
  3. Select x86 from the Active solution platform drop-down menu. Complete the following steps if x86 is not visible:
    1. Select x86 from the Active Solution Platform drop-down menu.
    2. Select x86 from the Type or select the new platform drop-down menu.
    3. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  4. Verify that x86 is selected in the Platform column of the Project contexts grid of the Configuration Manager dialog box. Click Close.
  5. Select Measurement Studio»Update Measurement Studio Project References to refresh the project's references.
  6. Select Measurement Studio»Refresh Project License File to refresh the project's license file.
  7. Right-click the solution in Solution Explorer, and choose Rebuild Solution.
  8. Navigate to C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\MStudioVS<version>\DotNET\Examples\Application\TemperatureSystem\cs\bin\x86\Debug to locate and verify you can run the executable. You will deploy this application with Installer Builder.

Creating the TemperatureSystem installer

  1. Open Installer Builder.
  2. Select New Installer Project from the start screen.
  3. Configure properties in Step 1 of 4 of the Installer Project Wizard:
    1. Name the installer TemperatureSystem.
    2. Select the directory where you want Installer Builder to place the installer for Temperaturesystem.
    3. Select 32-bit Installer for Installer Bitness.
    4. Click Next.
  4. Configure properties in Step 2 of 4:
    1. Choose [Program Files] for the Application Directory Root.
    2. Name the Subdirectory InstallerBuilderExample.
    3. Click Next.
  5. In Step 3 of 4, add TemperatureSystem.exe to the Files to Install list using the Add File(s) button. Click Next.
  6. In Step 4 of 4, make sure the following Measurement Studio runtime installers are selected:
    • NI Measurement Studio Analysis .NET Language Runtime for the .NET Framework 4.5
    • NI Measurement Studio Common .NET Language Runtime for the .NET Framework 4.0
    • NI Measurement Studio UI .NET Language Runtime for the .NET Framework 4.5

Note Note   If you are deploying the 2010 version of the TemperatureSystem example, you will need to include the .NET Framework 4.0 versions of the listed runtime installers.

  1. Click Finish to close the wizard and return to the Installer Builder user interface.
  2. Save the installer project file as TemperatureSystemInstaller.iip.
  3. Go to the Installer Options»Installer Dialog Options tab, and configure the installer dialog.
    1. Set Welcome Title to Temperature System Setup.
    2. Set Welcome Message to Welcome to the Measurement Studio Temperature System Example Installer.
  4. Add a Start menu shortcut for Temperature System.exe.
    1. Navigate to the Files and Directories tab and select TemperatureSystem.exe from the Files to Install pane.
    2. In the File Options: TemperatureSystem.exe pane, select the Shortcuts tab.
    3. Select Add Shortcut. Set the Target System Directory to [Start Menu]. Delete any contents in the Subdirectory field.
    4. Click OK to close the Add Shortcut for TemperatureSystem.exe dialog box.
  5. Navigate to the Build Status tab. Click Build.
  6. After the build finishes, click Explore Output Directory to navigate to the directory containing the installer.

Deploying the TemperatureSystem application to a target machine

  1. Copy the Volume folder(s) in the build output directory to your target machine.
  2. Run setup.exe from the Volume folder. You can launch TemperatureSystem.exe from the Start menu.
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