Measurement Studio Installer Builder

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Current manual

Including NI MAX Configuration in Your Installer

Including NI MAX Configuration in Your Installer

To deploy settings for NI hardware you have configured in NI MAX, include the NI MAX configuration (.nce) file in your installer.

Perform the following steps to include an NI MAX configuration file in your installer:
  1. In the NI Drivers & Components tab, select theImport Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX) Configuration Export File checkbox. This enables you to include an NI MAX Configuration file in your installer to import NI hardware settings into NI MAX on the target machine.
  2. Either browse to the .nce file that you previously created using NI MAX, or use the Export from MAX button to launch NI MAX Export Wizard and create a NI MAX Configuration file (.nce).

Note Note   For more information on configuring NI MAX, refer to the Importing and Exporting Configurations topic in the Measurement & Automation Explorer Help.

  1. Optional: Enable Silent Import and select an option from the drop-down menu for the import behavior to silently import the .nce file during installation.
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