Measurement Studio Installer Builder

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Programming Language
Current manual

Creating an Installer Project Using the Installer Project Wizard

Creating an Installer Project Using the Installer Project Wizard

Complete the following tasks to use the Installer Project Wizard to create a new installer project in Installer Builder:

Step 1 of 4: Set basic options for your installer

  1. Use the Installer Name field to create a file name for your installer project. This value is used to determine the default application directory and the product name for the Add/Remove Programs utility on the target machine.
  2. Use the Output Directory field to set the output directory on the build machine for the installer you create. This path cannot be empty.
  3. Use the Installer Bitness drop-down menu to set the bitness mode for your installer. Set the bitness mode to match the bitness of the application that you are deploying.

Note Note   For AnyCPU applications, create a mixed mode installer to deploy both 32-bit and 64-bit application components.

  1. Click Next.

Step 2 of 4: Choose application directory

  1. Use the Application Directory Root drop-down menu to enter the system directory under which the application will be installed on the target machine.
  2. Use the Subdirectory field to enter the name of the directory, under the selected Application root directory, where the application will be installed.
  3. Click Next.

Step 3 of 4: Add application-related files

  1. Click the Add File(s) button to add one or more files to the application directory.
  2. Click Next.

Step 4 of 4: Add NI installers

  1. Use the filter to show either all available NI installers or only NI runtime installers.

Note Note   For more information on NI runtime installers, refer to theMeasurement Studio .NET Runtime Installers topic in the NI Measurement Studio Help.

  1. Click the Finish button to complete the wizard and open the project in the Installer Builder editor.

Editing the installer

To add more directories and files, go to Application Components»Files and Directories. Select a file to edit its properties, such as file attributes, shortcuts, and launch options.

When your edits are complete, go to Build»Build Status and click the Build button.

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