Measurement and Automation Explorer

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Current manual

Setting Time Synchronization

Setting Time Synchronization

Use the Time Synchronization section to enable a time synchronization source for your device, if your device or system supports this feature. Refer to your system's documentation for more information.

Note Note  You can reorder the sources using the arrow buttons on each time sync source. However, reordering the sources changes their priority. If you set up sources in the following order–Software 1588, SNTP, RTC–the controller tries to synchronize the clock using Software 1588 first. If Software 1588 fails, the controller moves to SNTP and finally to RTC.

Time synchronization sources supported by NI products include the following:

  • Software 1588—Provides time synchronization to other IEEE 1588-2008 devices using a software-only implementation.
  • RTC—Real-time clock. Enables the current time to be persisted across reboots.
  • SNTP—Simple Network Time Protocol. Synchronizes computer clocks across the Internet.
  • NI-Sync—A driver that allows time synchronization using a device such as the PXI-6682.
  • EtherCAT—EtherCAT network system time.
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