Measurement and Automation Explorer

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Configuring Multiple EtherCAT Targets

Configuring Multiple EtherCAT Targets

If you have more than one target connected to the same EtherCAT network, you must enable EtherCAT master redundancy on both targets. In the event that the primary EtherCAT master fails, the backup EtherCAT master becomes the primary EtherCAT master. You cannot set Startup Mode to Master Redundancy on more than one network adapter on the same target.

Complete the following steps to enable master redundancy on your EtherCAT ethernet adapter.

  1. Select EtherCAT from the Adapter Mode drop-down list.
  2. Enter a value for EtherCAT Master ID.
  3. Click More Settings.
  4. Select Master Redundancy from the Startup Mode drop-down list. You must select this option for both adapters. The EtherCAT Master ID determines which adapter is the master and which remains in standby mode.
  5. Click Save to apply the changes or Revert to cancel.
  6. Click Yes when prompted to reboot the remote system.
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