Real-Time Project Wizard

Select File»New to open the New dialog box. Expand the Project»Project from Wizard node and select Real-Time Project. Click the OK button to launch the Real-Time Project Wizard. You also can select Tools»Real-Time Module»Project Wizard to launch the Real-Time Project Wizard.

Use the Real-Time Project Wizard to create a new LabVIEW project that includes an RT target and VIs ready to deploy to the target and host computer.

The Real-Time Project Wizard contains the following pages:

Option Description
Select project type, name, and folder Includes the following components:
  • Project type—Specifies the type of project to create. You can create projects with the Real-Time Project Wizard using one of three architectures continuous communication, state machine, or custom.
  • Application includes deterministic components—Specifies that the application you want to create includes time-critical tasks that require deterministic performance on the RT target.
  • Project name—Specifies a name for the new project.
  • Project folder—Specifies the location to save the project files and VIs on the host computer.
Customize architecture options Includes the following components:
  • Target Configuration—Specifies the configuration of the VI that runs on the RT target.
  • One loop—Uses a Timed Loop to control the timing and execution of the application tasks. You cannot include file I/O if you want to create an application with deterministic components using the one Timed Loop configuration.
  • Two loops—Uses two Timed Loops running at different priorities to control the timing and execution of the application tasks. The higher priority Timed Loop controls the time-critical tasks. The lower priority Timed Loop controls user interface communication and file I/O tasks.
  • Include file I/O—Specifies to include file I/O in the RT target VI.
  • Host Configuration—Specifies the configuration of the user interface on the host computer.
  • Include user interface—Specifies to include a user interface for the application on the host computer.
    • Host VI—Uses a VI on the host computer to provide a user interface for the application. The VI running on the RT target shares data with the host VI using shared variables.
    • Remote Panel—Uses a web browser to provide a user interface for the application. The Real-Time Project Wizard generates an HTML file that you must transfer to the RT target to publish the front panel of the RT target VI.
Add top-level VIs Appears when you select Custom project from the Project type pull-down menu on the Select project type, name, and folder page. Includes the following components:
  • Add blank VI to target—Adds a blank VI under the RT target in the project.
  • Import existing VIs to host and target—Specifies you want to add existing VIs to the project under the host computer or RT target.
  • VIs imported to run on host—Lists existing VIs that you want to add to the project under the host computer.
  • VIs imported to run on target—Lists existing VIs that you want to add to the project under the RT target.
  • Add VIs—Select VIs to add to the project under the host computer or the RT target.
  • Remove—Removes the selected VIs from the project.
Browse targets Includes the following components:
  • Browse—Opens the Add Targets and Devices dialog box where you can add to the project an RT target of the type you selected.
  • Selected target—Displays the RT target that you select.
Preview Includes the following components:
  • Open VIs when finished—Specifies whether to open the project VIs after the Real-Time Project Wizard creates the VIs.