Component Definition Page (Real-Time Application Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Real-Time Application Properties dialog box to create a component definition file (CDF), which defines a stand-alone real-time application and any dependencies. Use the CDF to deploy the stand-alone real-time application from outside of the LabVIEW development environment with NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or the Install Startup instance of the install VI.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Create a component definition file (.cdf) and specify dependencies Generates a CDF at build time and stores it in the National Instruments\RT Images\User Components directory. Place a checkmark in this checkbox only if you need to deploy a startup real-time application from outside of the LabVIEW development environment.
Version Specifies the version number to associate with the build.
  • Major—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a major revision.
  • Minor—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a minor revision.
  • Patch—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a revision to fix problems.
  • Build—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a specific build.
  • Auto-increment version on build—Specifies whether LabVIEW automatically increments the Build after each build.
    Note Save the project after you build to ensure that LabVIEW automatically increments correctly the next time you open the project.
Required software components (PXI) Lists the software components that you can specify as dependencies of the startup real-time application. Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to each software component that your startup real-time application depends on.
Software component description (PXI) Displays a description for the software component you select in the Required software components list.
Software version (PXI) Lists the available versions of the software component you select in the Required software components list. Use this pull-down menu to specify a particular version of a software component as a dependency of the startup real-time application.
Required software set (CompactRIO) Lists the software sets that you specify as dependencies of the startup real-time application. Click the software set that the startup real-time application depends on.
Addons (CompactRIO) Lists the addons that correspond to the software set you select in the Required software set list. Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to each addon that the startup real-time application depends on.
Show software by set (CompactRIO) Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to display the Required software components list instead of the Required software set and Addons lists.
Software set description (CompactRIO) Displays a description for the software set you select in the Required software set list.
Software addon description (CompactRIO) Displays a description for the addon you select in the Addons list.