Component Definition Page (Real-Time Application Properties Dialog Box)
- Updated2025-01-28
- 2 minute(s) read
Component Definition Page (Real-Time Application Properties Dialog Box)
Use this page of the Real-Time Application Properties dialog box to create a component definition file (CDF), which defines a stand-alone real-time application and any dependencies. Use the CDF to deploy the stand-alone real-time application from outside of the LabVIEW development environment with NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or the Install Startup instance of the install VI.
This page includes the following components:
Option | Description |
Create a component definition file (.cdf) and specify dependencies | Generates a CDF at build time and stores it in the National Instruments\RT Images\User Components directory. Place a checkmark in this checkbox only if you need to deploy a startup real-time application from outside of the LabVIEW development environment. |
Version | Specifies the version number to associate with the build.
Required software components | (PXI) Lists the software components that you can specify as dependencies of the startup real-time application. Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to each software component that your startup real-time application depends on. |
Software component description | (PXI) Displays a description for the software component you select in the Required software components list. |
Software version | (PXI) Lists the available versions of the software component you select in the Required software components list. Use this pull-down menu to specify a particular version of a software component as a dependency of the startup real-time application. |
Required software set | (CompactRIO) Lists the software sets that you specify as dependencies of the startup real-time application. Click the software set that the startup real-time application depends on. |
Addons | (CompactRIO) Lists the addons that correspond to the software set you select in the Required software set list. Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to each addon that the startup real-time application depends on. |
Show software by set | (CompactRIO) Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to display the Required software components list instead of the Required software set and Addons lists. |
Software set description | (CompactRIO) Displays a description for the software set you select in the Required software set list. |
Software addon description | (CompactRIO) Displays a description for the addon you select in the Addons list. |