I/O Variable Error Codes

I/O variables can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−66231 An error occurred while trying to revert a change due to a deployment error. Some variables may have an incorrect configuration.
−66230 You must use NI-PSP to read or write the value of this I/O Variable. To access the value of this I/O Variable, use a URL with a prefix of ni.var.psp instead of ni.var.io.
−66229 The number of elements written to the I/O variable container does not match the number of I/O variables in the container. The number of elements written to the I/O variable container must match the number of I/O variables in the container. You may also receive this error if you attempt to write to a read-only I/O variable container.
−66228 Invalid session. Close the current refnum(s) and use the Shared Variable node to reopen the variable(s).
−66227 Invalid entry in configuration file. If you edited the configuration file manually, restore a previous version. Otherwise, ensure the version of LabVIEW you used to deploy the variable matches the version of LabVIEW on the target.
−66226 Incorrect use of internal API for I/O variable. If this error persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
−66225 You cannot write to this I/O alias because it is configured as read only.
−66224 You cannot read from this I/O alias because it is configured as write-only.
−66223 The target ran out of memory while trying to configure network publishing of an I/O variable. This variable is no longer published correctly. You can either free some memory and deploy the variable again or restart your system.
−66221 You cannot scale values of this data type.
−66219 Network publishing of I/O variables was late.
−66218 An unexpected error occurred while updating a network-published value.
−66217 The I/O variable configuration is corrupt and cannot be read. Restore this configuration from a previous date or reinstall LabVIEW. If this error persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
−66216 LabVIEW detected a feedback cycle while resolving aliases.
−66215 The NI Scan Engine has not been initialized or has been shut down.
−66214 The alias variable was unable to resolve the parent variable.
−66213 Could not deploy variable because a variable of the same name already exists. If this error persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
−66212 The data type of the reference does not match the data type of the variable. Ensure the data types match and re-open the reference.
−66211 Insufficient memory on target. The value change request was discarded. Reduce memory usage on the target and try again.
−66210 Failed to deploy Shared Variable library containing I/O aliases. A Shared Variable library with the same name without I/O aliases is already deployed to the target. To deploy the Shared Variable library with I/O aliases you must first undeploy the existing library with the same name.
−66209 Failed to initialize a deployed variable at system startup.
−66208 Invalid variable refnum. Either the variable was deleted after the reference was opened or a valid reference was never opened.
−66207 You cannot write to an input channel.
−66206 A required attribute could not be found during deployment of an I/O variable.
−66205 The variable object was not found.
−66204 The data type of the I/O variable alias does not match the data type of the I/O variable itself. Ensure the data types match and try creating the alias again.
−66203 This I/O variable requires a hardware driver that is not installed on the deployment target. Install the missing driver, wait for the target to boot and for the NI Scan Engine to initialize, and deploy the variable again.
−66202 Unable to force the requested channels. If this error persists, contact National Instruments technical support.
−66201 The installed version of nilwpce.dll or nilwpce.out is out of date. Reinstall LabVIEW. If this does not fix the problem, contact National Instruments tech support.
−66200 An unknown error occurred while using a variable.