General Real-Time Error Codes

The Real-Time Module can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−2232 The number of specified CPUs exceeds the number of CPUs available on the target. The number of specified CPUs exceeds the number of CPUs available on the target.
>−2231 >The CPU pool settings are invalid. Each pool must contain at least 1 CPU. The CPU pool settings are invalid. Each pool must contain at least 1 CPU.
>−2230 >This VI is not supported on the current platform. This VI is not supported on the current platform.
>1078 >Failed to load shared library %s. Ensure that the library is present on the RT target. Use either MAX to install NI software or FTP to transfer custom libraries to the RT target.
>1079 >When the RT target booted, the startup application configured to launch was missing.
>1080 >The startup application configured to launch was corrupt and failed to load when the RT target booted.
>1081 >Exception caused by loading of library %s on RT target device.
>1116 >RTTarget.DiskCache.SizeInKB config token must be greater than zero.
>1117 >RTTarget.DiskCache.Thread.Priority config token must be between -2 and 2.
>1118 >RTTarget.DiskCache.Thread.IntervalInSecs config token must be greater than zero.
>1119 >RTTarget.DiskCache.Thread.LinePerWakeup config token must be greater than or equal to zero.
>1120 >Not enough memory to create disk cache.
>1121 >Cannot create disk cache flush thread.
>1575 >The function name for the %s node cannot be found in the library. To correct this error, right-click the Call Library Function Node and select Configure from the shortcut menu. Then choose the correct function name.