Source File Settings Page (Real-Time Source Distribution Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Real-Time Source Distribution Properties dialog box to edit destinations and properties for the files included in a source distribution. LabVIEW enables the options on this page only if the item you select in the Project Explorer tree supports the option. You can apply settings to all the items under Dependencies, but not to individual items under Dependencies.

Note If you plan to distribute a shared library that uses shared variables, do not include the .lvlib file in the shared library. Change the Destination of the .lvlib file to a destination outside the shared library.

This page includes the following components:

Note The following options appear only when you select a folder from the Project Files tree. The settings apply to all items in the selected folder. You cannot specify settings for individual items in the folder. The Inclusion Type indicator displays the inclusion type for the contained items.
  • Set destination for all contained items
  • Set VI properties for all contained items
  • Set save settings for all contained items
  • Set password for all contained items
  • Apply prefix to all contained items
In the Inclusion Type indicator, LabVIEW displays the inclusion type for the contained items.
Option Description
SourceTree Displays the tree view of items in the Project Explorer window.
Inclusion Type Displays how LabVIEW includes the item in the build. This option corresponds to the inclusion type you selected in the Source Files page. For example, a VI in the Always Included list appear as Always Included.

If you select a folder, the inclusion type corresponds to the inclusion type of the items inside the folder.

  • Always Included—Includes the item in the build.
  • Always Excluded—Excludes the item from the build.
  • Include if referenced—Includes the item in the build if the another item references it.
Destination Sets the destination for the selected item. LabVIEW enables this option if you have not designated the item as a startup VI.The names in the Destination pull-down menu correspond to the options in the Destination label text box on the Destinations page. The default destination is Same as caller and LabVIEW places the item in the same destination as the caller.
  • Set destination for packed project libraries and shared libraries—Appears only when you select Dependencies.
  • Make top level in LLB—Appears when you select a destination that is an LLB.

    Place a checkmark in the Make top level in LLB checkbox if you want the selected VI to be the top level item in the LLB.

Customize VI Properties Displays the VI Properties dialog box. Use the dialog box to specify the properties for the selected VI. By default, LabVIEW uses the property settings configured in the VI. Any settings you configure in the VI Properties dialog box override any settings you configured in the Customize Window Appearance dialog box.LabVIEW dims this option for items other than VIs.
Use default save settings

Saves the VIs using default save settings. The default save setting for VIs in a source distribution is to retain the front panel and the block diagram. Remove the checkmark from the Use default save settings checkbox to change the default settings.

Note LabVIEW dims this option for items other than VIs. LabVIEW also dims this option if you place a checkmark in the Remove compiled code checkbox on the Additional Exclusions page because you cannot remove the front panel or block diagram from a VI with separate compiled code.
  • Remove panel—Removes the front panel of the selected VI from the target. Removing the front panel reduces the size of the application or shared library. If you select yes, LabVIEW removes the front panel, but Property Nodes or Invoke Nodes that refer to the front panel might return errors that affect the behavior of the source distribution.
    Note If you execute the Run VI method after placing a checkmark in the Remove front panel checkbox, the Run VI method will return error 1013.
  • Remove diagram—Removes the block diagram from a VI in the build. LabVIEW enables this option if you remove the checkmark from the Remove front panel checkbox. If you remove the front panel, you also remove the block diagram. As a result, if you place a checkmark in the Remove front panel checkbox, a checkmark automatically appears in the Remove block diagram checkbox.
No password change Specifies for LabVIEW to not prompt for a password if you use the VI in a build.LabVIEW also does not modify or apply a password you previously applied to the VI.
Remove password Removes the password you previously applied to a VI or library. Prior to removing the password, LabVIEW prompts you to enter the current password during the build.
Note If you programmatically build a source distribution which includes a password protected VI, LabVIEW builds the source distribution without prompting for the VI password.
Apply new password Applies the password you supply in the text box to a VI or library.Prior to applying the new password, LabVIEW prompts you to enter the current password during the build. Enter the password in the text box below the Apply new password option.
Rename in build Renames a file that you select in the Project Files list.
Set Destination Appears when you select a folder in the Project Files tree. Place a checkmark in the checkbox if you want to set the destination directory for the items in the selected folder.
Note LabVIEW places an item set to Same as caller in the directory of the caller. If you set an item to Same as caller and two different callers are in different directories, LabVIEW places the item in the same directory as the build.
  • Set destination for packed project libraries and shared libraries—Appears only when you select Dependencies.
Set VI Properties Appears when you select a folder in the Project Files tree. Place a checkmark in the checkbox if you want to set the VI properties for the items in the selected folder.When you place a checkmark in the checkbox,LabVIEW enables the Customize VI Properties button.
Set save settings Appears when you select a folder in the Project Files tree. Place a checkmark in the checkbox if you want to set the save settings for the items in the selected folder.
Set password Appears when you select a folder in the Project Files tree. Place a checkmark in the checkbox if you want to configure the password for the items in the selected folder.
Rename in build Appears when you select a folder in the Project Files tree. Place a checkmark in the checkbox to enter a prefix in the text box and rename all items in the folder by applying the prefix to the existing names.