Automating Software Activation

If you are a license administrator, or are responsible for transferring NI softwares to end users, you can automate software activation and add volume license servers.

To do so, run License Manager from the command line or from a batch file using NILicensingCmd.exe.

The path for NILicensingCmd.exe is as follows:
  • For 64-bit computers: Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\License Manager\NILicensingCmd.exe
Note If you have numerous licenses to activate, consider simplifying license activation using Volume License Manager with a Volume License Agreement. For more information, visit the Volume License Program for Software web page.

Software Activation Command-Line Flags

Below is a table containing common command-line flags associated with software activation. You can see descriptions of the License Manager command-line flags by entering the command NILicensingCmd.exe /help.

Flag Description Syntax Example(s)

Launches the Activate Software window.

This command is equivalent to clicking the Activate Software button in NI License Manager.

NILicensingCmd.exe /silent /activateall /serialnumber <serial number> NILicensingCmd.exe /silent /activateall /serialnumber A11B11C11
/activate /type package

Launches the Activate Software window with a preselected package or family.

These commands are equivalent to right-clicking on software or family in License Manager and selecting Activate Software.

NILicensingCmd.exe /activate /type package /name <packagename> /version <version> /serialnumber <serial number> NILicensingCmd.exe /activate /type package /name LabVIEW_PDS_PKG /version 17.0000 /serialnumber A111A1A11
/activate /type family NILicensingCmd.exe /activate /type family /name <familyname> /serialnumber <serial number> NILicensingCmd.exe /activate /type family /name LabVIEW_ADE_170000 /serialnumber A12B12345
Activates a software silently.
Note This command requires an Internet connection that allows access to the NI website over an encrypted web connection (https).

Serial numbers are optional for silent activation. If you log into your NI User Account before running command-line arguments, License Manager checks your account for any necessary software licenses.

Silent activation fails if you:
  • You enter incorrect or incomplete information, such as an invalid serial number
  • You are not already logged in to your account
  • You have conflicting licenses associated with your account
  • You do not have the necessary licenses associated with your account and did not pass any serial numbers as parameters
Note If silent activation fails, no error message appears so that your remaining automation scripts are not interrupted. You must manually activate the failed activations before you can use your software.
NILicensingCmd.exe /silent /activate /type package /name <packagename> /version <version> /serialnumber <serial number> NILicensingCmd.exe /silent /activate /type package /name LabVIEW_PDS_PKG /version 9.0000 /serialnumber A111A1A11

Silently points a computer to a volume license server to check out licenses.

This command is equivalent to selecting » Manage Volume License Servers to add a volume license server.

NILicensingCmd.exe /addservers servername[:portnumber][,servername[:portnumber],...]
  • NILicensingCmd.exe /addservers server1
  • NILicensingCmd.exe /addservers server1:28000
  • NILicensingCmd.exe /addservers server1:28000,server2