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String to Arithmetic Expression Class Help

String to Arithmetic Expression Class Help

This class contains functions that make conversions from a string data type to an arithmetic data type.

Error Handling

Some of the functions in this class set the global variable errno to a nonzero value if an error occurs. To use the value of errno, include the header file errno.h, initialize errno to zero before the call to the library function, and examine its value after the function call.

Note Note  Although the ANSI standard specifically states that the type of the global variable errno must be an integer, LabWindows/CVI defines errno with an enumeration type so that function panels and the Variables and Call Stack window show error names instead of integer values. If you require that errno be declared as an integer, define the preprocessor symbol DISABLE_ERRNO_ENUM before including errno.h.

You can view specific error numbers that each library function sets in the help for the errno parameter on the function panels.

Library: ANSI C Library

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