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TDM Streaming Library Error Codes

TDM Streaming Library Error Codes

The TDM Streaming Library functions return negative values when they detect errors. The following table lists the error codes, defined constants, and error messages associated with functions in the the LabWindows/CVI TDM Streaming Library.

Use the TDMS_GetLibraryErrorDescription function to convert the error code, returned in the status parameter of TDM Streaming Library functions, into meaningful error messages.

Error codes are defined in the cvi\include\cvitdms.h file.

Code Defined Constant Error Message
-6601 TDMS_InvalidArgument Invalid argument.
-6602 TDMS_OutOfMemory Out of memory.
-6603 TDMS_FileAlreadyOpen The file already open.
-6604 TDMS_FileCouldNotBeOpened The file could not be opened.
-6605 TDMS_FileNotFound The file could not be found.
-6606 TDMS_FileAccessDenied File access denied.
-6607 TDMS_DiskFull The drive is full.
-6608 TDMS_TooManyOpenFiles The maximum number of open files has been reached. Close one or more files and try again.
-6609 TDMS_PathNotFound The path could not be found.
-6610 TDMS_NotAValidTDMSFile The file is not a valid TDMS file.
-6611 TDMS_FileCouldNotBeClosed The file could not be closed.
-6612 TDMS_WriteToFileFailed Write to file failed.
-6613 TDMS_ReadFromFileFailed Read from file failed.
-6614 TDMS_FailedToLoadDLL The library failed to load.
-6615 TDMS_CannotLoadTDMFile TDM files are not supported. Only TDMS files are supported.
-6616 TDMS_PropertyIsReadOnly The specified property is read only.
-6617 TDMS_DuplicateName The file already contains and object with that name.
-6618 TDMS_RequestCannotBeCompletedWithUnsavedData The request cannot be completed with unsaved data. Save the file and try again.
-6619 TDMS_UnexpectedError An unexpected error occurred.
-6620 TDMS_NullPointerPassed A null pointer was passed where a non-null pointer was expected.
-6621 TDMS_InvalidFileHandle Invalid file handle.
-6622 TDMS_InvalidChannelGroupHandle Invalid channel group handle.
-6623 TDMS_InvalidChannelHandle Invalid channel handle.
-6624 TDMS_InvalidFilePath Invalid file path.
-6625 TDMS_InvalidDataType Invalid data type.
-6626 TDMS_InvalidFileFormat Invalid value for file format.
-6627 TDMS_InvalidName Invalid name.
-6628 TDMS_InvalidPropertyName Invalid property name.
-6629 TDMS_PropertyDoesNotExist The property does not exist.
-6630 TDMS_PropertyAlreadyExists The property already exists.
-6631 TDMS_PropertyTypeMismatch The data type of the property does not match the expected data type.
-6632 TDMS_RequestExceedsActualNumberOfValues The request exceeds the actual number of available values.
-6633 TDMS_NumberOfValuesExceedsBufferSize The buffer is too small to hold all values.
-6634 TDMS_StringContainsInvalidCharacters String contains invalid characters.
-6635 TDMS_CannotModifyFileOpenedForReadOnlyAccess A file opened for read-only access cannot be modified.
-6636 TDMS_FileMustHaveTDMSExtension The file must have a .tdms extension.
-6637 TDMS_InvalidTimeValue The specified time value is invalid.
-6638 TDMS_InvalidByteOrderValue Invalid value for byte order.
-6639 TDMS_InvalidOptionsValue Invalid value for options.
-6640 TDMS_ChannelGroupNotFound The channel group could not be found.
-6641 TDMS_ChannelNotFound The channel could not be found.
-6642 TDMS_FeatureNotSupportedWithThisFileVersion A feature you have requested is not supported for this version of the TDMS file format.
-6643 TDMS_HandleInvalidDueToNamePropertyChange The handle is invalid because the channel group or channel it referred to was renamed.
-6644 TDMS_FileFormatNewerThanSupported The file format is too new to be supported by this version of the library.
-6645 TDMS_InvalidDataLayout Invalid value for data layout.
-6646 TDMS_AllChannelsMustHaveSameDatatype All channels passed to this function must have the same data type.
-6647 TDMS_InterleavedDataLayoutNotSupportedForStringDataType Interleaved data layout not supported for channels of string data type.
-6648 TDMS_InterleavedDataLayoutRequiresMultipleChannels Interleaved data layout requires multiple channels.
-6649 TDMS_NumValuesMustBeMultipleOfNumChannels The number of values must be an even multiple of the number of channels.
-6650 TDMS_InterleavedDataLayoutRequiresSaveFileParamToBeTrue Interleaved data layout requires the saveFile parameter to be true.
-6651 TDMS_RequestCannotBeCompletedWhileRenameIsPending The request cannot be completed while there is a pending change to the name property of a channel or channel group through another header file. Close one or more files and try again.
-6652 TDMS_DataTypeNotRecognized This channel or property value contains a data type that is not recognized by this version of the TDMS library.
-6653 TDMS_VersionOfTDMSDoesNotMeetMinimumVersionRequirement The version of TDMS found on this system does not meet the minimum version requirement of the LabWindows/CVI TDMS library.
-6654 TDMS_AdvancedIORequiresLaterFileFormat Advanced I/O requires a newer version of the TDMS file format than specified.
-6655 TDMS_InvalidReserveFileSizeMode Invalid value for reserve file mode.
-6656 TDMS_InvalidMaxNumConcurrentOperations Invalid value for maximum number of concurrent operations.
-6657 TDMS_AllChannelsMustBelongToSameFile All channels must belong to the same file.
-6658 TDMS_StringDataTypeNotSupported Channels with a data type of string are not supported.
-6659 TDMS_InvalidOffsetReferencePoint Invalid value for offset reference point.
-6660 TDMS_InvalidOffset Invalid value for offset.
-6661 TDMS_FunctionRequiresAdvancedFileHandle This function requires handles that were obtained from a file that was opened using an advanced create or open function.
-6662 TDMS_FunctionIncompatibleWithAdvancedFileHandle This function is incompatible with handles that were obtained from a file that was opened by calling an advanced create or open function.
-6663 TDMS_FunctionRequiresFileHandleWithAsyncOption This function requires handles that were obtained from a file that was opened by calling an advanced create or open function with the asynchronous option.
-6664 TDMS_FunctionIncompatibleWithFileHandleWithAsyncOption This function is incompatible with handles that were obtained from a file that was opened by calling an advanced create or open function with the asynchronous option.
-6665 TDMS_MemoryBufferExceeding4GBInSizeIsNotSupported Memory buffers greater than 4GB in size are not supported.
-6666 TDMS_SamplesPerChannelValuesMustNotBeZero Samples per channel value must not be zero.
-6667 TDMS_EndOfFile End of file reached.
-6668 TDMS_CannotCallLibraryFunctionsFromCallback TDMS library functions cannot be called from callback functions.
-6669 TDMS_FilePositionMustBeAlignedOnDiskSectorBoundary File position must be aligned on disk sector boundary when performing advanced I/O and buffering is disabled.
-6670 TDMS_InvalidNumberOfSamples Invalid value for number of samples.
-6671 TDMS_InvalidTimeout Invalid value for timeout.
-6672 TDMS_OperationTimedOut The operation exceeded the requested timeout.
-6673 TDMS_FailedToReserveFileSize Failed to reserve file size. Confirm that application has elevated privileges if required by the operating system.
-6674 TDMS_FileCannotBeTruncated File cannot be truncated. This can happen if there are currently multiple open references to the file.
-6675 TDMS_OperationCancelled The operation was cancelled because it could not be completed within the requested timeout period.
-6676 TDMS_AsyncOperationNotConfigured The asynchronous operation has not been configured. Call the appropriate asynchronous configuration function first.
-6677 TDMS_ChannelAlreadyPresentInChannelInfo One or more of the specified channels is already present in the channel information.
-6678 TDMS_DisableBufferingNotSupportedOnThisOS The option to disable buffering is not supported on this operating system.
-6679 TDMS_AsyncOperationsNotSupportedOnThisOS The option to enable asynchronous operations is not supported on this operating system.
-6680 TDMS_FunctionNotSupportedOnThisOS Function not supported on this operating system.
-6681 TDMS_DataDimensionMismatch The specified channel contains data with a number of dimensions that does not match the number of dimensions expected by this function.
-6682 TDMS_MultiDimensionalDataNotSupported This function does not support files containing channels with multidimensional data in this version of the TDMS library.
-6683 TDMS_AdditionalHierarchyNotSupported This function does not support files containing additional levels of hierarchy in this version of the TDMS library.
-6684 TDMS_InvalidHandle Invalid file, channel group, or channel handle.
-6685 TDMS_CouldNotCreateOrApplyScalingInfo The scaling information could not be created or the scaling information could not be applied to the data values.
-6686 TDMS_PropertyNotSupportedOnObjectOfSpecifiedType The property is not supported on an object of the specified type. For example, you are trying to set a property on a channel group when that property is only supported on a channel.
-6687 TDMS_FileAlreadyExists The file already exists.
-6688 TDMS_OperationIsOnlyValidOnInMemoryFiles Operation is only valid on in-memory files.
-6689 TDMS_FailedToChangeBlockSize Failed to change the block size. This can happen if you write to a file before setting this property.
-6690 TDMS_InvalidBlockSize Invalid block size.
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