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int ConnectToTCPServer (unsigned int *conversationHandle, unsigned int portNumber, char serverHostName[], tcpFuncPtr callbackFunction, void *callbackData, unsigned int timeOut);


Note Note  This function has been superseded by ConnectToTCPServerEx.

Establishes a connection between your program and a TCP server specified by a port number and server host name. Your program becomes a TCP client.

Thereafter, all messages from the server are routed through the specified client callback function.


Name Type Description
portNumber unsigned int The port number of the server to which to connect.
serverHostName char [] The name of the host machine for the server.

The name can either be an alphabetical string, such as, or a numerical string, such as 123.456.7.8.

If you pass NULL or an empty string, the server host is assumed to be the local machine.
callbackFunction tcpFuncPtr Pointer to the synchronous callback function that processes messages that your program receives as a TCP client.

The callback function must be of the following form:

int (*tcpFuncPtr) (unsigned handle, int xType, int errCode, void *callbackData);

handle contains a value that is unique to each client-server connection.

xType specifies the type of message the server sends. The client callback function can receive the following transaction types:

TCP_DISCONNECT—Received when a server requests the termination of a connection or when a connection terminates because of an error. If the connection terminates because of an error, the errCode parameter contains a negative error code.
TCP_DATAREADY—Received when there is data to be read by the client. Your program, acting as the client, calls ClientTCPRead to obtain the data. Note that this event is received again if you do not read all the available data.

Use errCode only when the transaction type is TCP_DISCONNECT.
Note    The return value of the callback is ignored. The callback function should be short and should return as soon as possible.
callbackData void * The name of the function that the TCP Support Library calls to process messages your program receives as a TCP client.

callbackData is a pointer-width value the TCP Support Library passes to the callback function each time the library invokes the callback for the same client.

You must define the meaning of the callback data. One way to use callbackData is as a pointer to a data object that you need to access in the callback function. By doing this, you can avoid declaring the data object as a global variable.

If you do not want to use callbackData, you can pass zero.
timeOut unsigned int The number of milliseconds to wait before returning.

For instance, if you pass a value of 100, the function returns an error if 100 milliseconds pass without the connection being established.

If you pass zero, the function uses a default timeout of 5,000 milliseconds.
Note   The host name lookup (if needed) is performed before starting the timeout countdown. For instance, if you pass a value of 100, and the hostname lookup takes 50 ms, the function might not return for up to 150 ms.
Name Type Description
conversationHandle unsigned int The conversation handle that uniquely represents the connection between the server and the client. Note that zero (0) is a valid handle.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int Return value indicating whether the function was successful. Unless otherwise stated, zero represents successful execution and a negative number represents the error code.

You can call the GetTCPSystemErrorString function to obtain a system message that describes the error. The system messages can be more descriptive than the TCP Support Library error codes. To obtain the correct system error message, you must call GetTCPSystemErrorString immediately after calling the TCP Support Library function that failed.

For RegisterTCPServer and RegisterTCPServerEx, the return value is the port number assigned by the system if you passed zero for the port and the function was successful.

For functions that read or write data (ClientTCPRead, ClientTCPWrite, ServerTCPRead, ServerTCPWrite), if the function was successful, the return value is the number of bytes transferred.

You can have a maximum of 255 concurrent conversations and up to 1,024 connections. If you exceed this limit, -kTCP_TooManyConnections will be returned. You may not be able to open the maximum number of connections allowed by LabWindows/CVI because of limitations imposed by the operating system.

Additional Information

Library: TCP Support Library

Include file: tcpsupp.h

LabWindows/CVI compatibility: LabWindows/CVI 3.0 and later


Refer to the following examples that use the ConnectToTCPServer function:

  • tcp\message.cws

    Open example
  • tcp\MultiThreading.cws

    Open example
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