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char *asctime (const struct tm *timeStruct);


Takes a date and time stored in a struct tm and converts it into a string. asctime returns a pointer to the string created by the function. You can obtain the local date and time in a struct tm by calling one of the following functions:

Note Note  Per the C89 specification, this function and the ctime function return a pointer to the same static array of char. Using these functions in conjunction with each other might result in overwriting the previous value of the timeString parameter.

For more information about the C89 specification, refer to an external C89 reference.


Name Type Description
timeStruct const struct tm * Contains the address of a struct tm representing a date and time.

Return Value

Name Type Description
timeString char * Contains a pointer to the string created from the date and time stored in timeStruct. The string appears in the following form:

Sun Apr 12 05:28:07 1973\n\0

Additional Information

Library: ANSI C Library

Include file: ansi_c.h

LabWindows/CVI compatibility: LabWindows/CVI 3.0 and later

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