Viewing Run-Time Front Panel Bounds in Edit Mode

LabVIEW can show a border representing run-time front panel bounds while you modify the front panel in edit mode.

Complete the following steps to view run-time front panel bounds and set the panel size:

  1. Locate the controls and indicators you want to show on the run-time front panel.
  2. Navigate to the Window Run-Time Position page of the VI Properties dialog box, and place a checkmark in the Scroll panes to origin at run time checkbox.
  3. Set Position to Centered or Custom.
  4. Remove the checkmark from the Use Current Panel Size checkbox.
  5. Configure the size of the run-time front panel by setting Width and Height.
  6. Click OK. A rectangular border appears at the pane origin, representing run-time front panel bounds.
    Tip If the pane origin is not visible in the current pane area, you can select Edit»Adjust Pane Origin to adjust the pane origin to the top-left corner of the current visible pane area.

Drag and drop controls and indicators into the run-time front panel bounds. When the VI is running, the front panel shows only the area within the bounds.