Step 4: Start the Drag-and-Drop Operation by Providing the Drag Data

To transfer data from the drag source to the drop target, you first must store the drag data when the user presses the mouse button and moves the cursor outside the bounds of the drag source. LabVIEW can retrieve the stored drag data later to update the drop target when the user causes the drop operation to occur.

What to Use

Use the following block diagram objects to start the drag by providing the drag data:

What to Do

Create the following block diagram to start the drag by providing the drag data.

The following list describes important details about the previous block diagram.

Note When you choose custom data names, do not begin the data names with the prefix LV_. The LV_ prefix is reserved for built-in LabVIEW data types.

After you start the drag-and-drop operation by providing the drag data, verify that the drop target can accept the drag data.