Creating Toolbars

Add a toolbar to your front panel window to help you create professional user interfaces.

Complete the following steps to create a toolbar using a splitter bar.
  1. Create a new VI or open an existing VI.
  2. Select Horizontal Splitter Bar from the Layout palette
  3. Add the splitter bar to the front panel near the top of the pane. As you drag the splitter bar, a dashed line indicates the position of the splitter bar on the pane. If the dashed line is red, the alignment grid is enabled.
    The splitter bar creates two scrollable panes. Create your toolbar in the upper pane.
  4. Use the Controls palette to add controls to the upper pane.
  5. Right-click the splitter bar and select Splitter Sizing » Splitter Sticks Top.
    LabVIEW repositions the splitter bar based on the location of the top of the front panel window.
  6. Turn off the scrollbars in the upper pane.
    1. Right-click the splitter bar and select Upper Pane » Horizontal Scrollbar » Always Off.
    2. Right-click the splitter bar and select Upper Pane » Vertical Scrollbar » Always Off.
  7. To lock the splitter bar in place, right-click the splitter bar and select Locked.