Creating a Local Domain (Windows)

Use the Domain Account Manager to create and destroy a local domain, export and import a local domain, add and remove network domains, import a Lookout account, and manage domain users and groups.

Complete the following steps to use the Domain Account Manager to create a local domain on a computer.

  1. Select Tools»Security»Domain Account Manager to display the Domain Account Manager.
    Note If a local domain already exists on the computer, the Domain Account Manager loads the local domain automatically. To create a new local domain, first destroy the existing local domain.
  2. Select File»New»Local Domain or right-click the domain list and select New Local Domain from the shortcut menu to display the Domain Properties dialog box.
  3. Click the General tab and enter a name for the domain in the Domain text box.
  4. Click the Passwords tab and configure the minimum and maximum lengths of passwords and the password expiration date.
Note The password length and expiration date apply as the default setting for all user accounts in the domain.
  1. Click the Access Control tab and add machines or IP addresses to the Grant List or Deny List. Select list to activate specifies which list the domain is currently using.
  2. Click the OK button to display the Change Password dialog box.
  3. Enter a password for the Administrator account and click the OK button. By default, the user name for the account that you are creating is Administrator.
Note The Domain Account Manager creates a list of built-in users and groups when you create a local domain. The built-in users include Administrator and Guest, and the built-in groups include Administrators, Guests, and Operators.