Configuring Run-Time Drag-and-Drop Behavior for Text-Based Controls

To enable users to drag and drop data between text-based controls in a VI, such as string, path, listbox, multicolumn listbox, and tree controls, you must configure drag-and-drop behavior for those controls. You can configure the drag-and-drop behavior of text-based controls in the following ways:

Enable multiple drag-and-drop settings simultaneously to configure specific behavior for text-based controls. For example, to enable dragging from a listbox to a tree control, you must allow dragging on the listbox, allow data from the listbox to drop in controls other than the listbox, and allow dropping in the tree control.

Allow Dragging from the Control during Run Time

Control Shortcut Menu Item Property
String Advanced»Allow Dragging String Properties: Allow Dragging
Listbox Drag and Drop»Allow Dragging Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dragging
Multicolumn Listbox Drag and Drop»Item Dragging»Allow Dragging Multicolumn Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dragging
Tree Drag and Drop»Allow Dragging Tree Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dragging

Allow Dropping in the Control during Run Time

Control Shortcut Menu Item Property
String Advanced»Allow Dropping String Properties: Allow Dropping
Path Advanced»Allow Dropping Path Properties: Allow Dropping
Listbox Drag and Drop»Allow Dropping Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dropping
Multicolumn Listbox Drag and Drop»Allow Dropping Multicolumn Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dropping
Tree Drag and Drop»Item Dragging»Allow Dropping Tree Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dropping

Select between Moving and Copying Data from the Control

Control Shortcut Menu Item Property
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Move Only
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Copy Only
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Copy or Move
Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Drag Mode
Multicolumn Listbox
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Move Only
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Copy Only
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Copy or Move
Multicolumn Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Drag Mode
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Move Only
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Copy Only
  • Drag and Drop»Drag Mode»Copy or Move
Tree Properties: Drag/Drop:Drag Mode

Allow Dropping in Controls Other Than the Control from Which the Drag Originated

Control Shortcut Menu Item Property
Listbox Drag and Drop»Item Dragging»Allow Drag Drop Outside Control Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Drag and Drop Outside Control
Multicolumn Listbox Drag and Drop»Item Dragging»Allow Drag Drop Outside Control Multicolumn Listbox Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Drag and Drop Outside Control
Tree Drag and Drop»Item Dragging»Allow Drag Drop Outside Control Tree Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Drag and Drop Outside Control

Allow Dragging of Parent Items in Tree Controls

Control Shortcut Menu Item Property
Tree Drag and Drop»Item Dragging»Allow Dragging of Parent Items Tree Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dragging of Parent Items
Note If you drag a parent item with child items from a tree control to another text-based control, only the parent item drops. Parent and child items drop only if you drop the items in another tree control.

Allow Items Dropped in Tree Controls to Drop as Parent Items

Control Shortcut Menu Item Property
Tree Drag and Drop»Item Dropping»Allow Dropping Between Items Tree Properties: Drag/Drop:Allow Dropping Between Items