Changing Values of Numeric Objects with a Scale

Complete the following steps to practice changing the value of a slide, scroll bar, or rotary object.

  1. Use the Operating tool to click the slider, scroll box, or needle and drag it inside the slide, scroll bar, or rotary object. The value changes as you drag the slider, scroll box, or needle, and LabVIEW displays the value of the control in a value tip strip.
  2. Click inside the slide, scroll bar, or rotary object, but not on the slider, scroll box, or needle. The slider or needle snaps to the value you click. Before you release the mouse button, LabVIEW displays the value of the control in a tip strip. The scroll box pages one page size. You can set the scroll bar page size on the Data Entry page of the Scrollbar Properties dialog box.
Note When you click inside a knob or dial, the needle does not snap to the value you click. You must drag the needle to change the value.

You also can change the value of a slide or rotary object with a scale using the digital display just as you do for numeric controls and indicators.