Adding Palette Categories

In addition to the built-in palette categories, you can create other categories to organize palette items. Complete the following steps to add a category to the top level of the Controls or Functions palette.

  1. Create a new folder for the category you want to create in the labview\menus\Controls directory for the Controls palette or the labview\menus\Categories directory for the Functions palette.
  2. Add items that you want to include in the category to the new folder. Items for a category on the Functions palette can include VIs, functions, LLBs, and .mnu files. Items for a category on the Controls palette can include controls and .mnu files.
Note Do not copy a dir.mnu file into the category folder. When you add a category, LabVIEW creates a dir.mnu file, if needed.
  1. Restart LabVIEW. LabVIEW updates the palettes to contain the categories you added.