Adding Hyperlinks to a Project

Use the Project Explorer window to add hyperlinks to a LabVIEW project. You can use hyperlinks to link to files or directories that are not on the local computer but are accessible on the Internet or your local network. You can add hyperlinks that correspond to network, local, HTTP, FTP, mailto addresses and so on.

Complete the following steps to add a hyperlink to a project.

  1. Right-click a target, or a folder or library under the target, and select Add»Hyperlink from the shortcut menu. The Hyperlink Properties dialog box appears. You also can select the target and select Project»Add to Project»Hyperlink to display the Hyperlink Properties dialog box.
  2. Enter the hyperlink name in the Name text box and the corresponding address in the Address text box.
  3. Click the OK button to save the changes and close the Hyperlink Properties dialog box. The hyperlink appears as an item in the Project Explorer window.

Double-click the hyperlink or right-click and select Open from the shortcut menu to open the hyperlink in a browser window.

You can edit an existing hyperlink by right-clicking it and selecting Properties from the shortcut menu.

You also can use the AddItem method and HyperLink Address property to add a hyperlink to a LabVIEW project and set the corresponding name and address programmatically.