Using Multiple FPGA VI References for the Same Target

If you want to open references to different FPGA VIs or bitfiles on one target, open only one reference at a time, and close the reference before opening another.

You can have more than one FPGA VI reference simultaneously open on a target, as long as all the references correspond to the same FPGA VI or bitfile on the same target. By opening more than one FPGA VI reference in a host VI, you can structure the host VI so that different parts of the host VI communicate with different parts of the FPGA VI. For example, the host VI can access controls and indicators, logical interrupts, and DMA channels. Therefore, you could partition the host VI to access these items using different instances of the Open FPGA VI Reference function. The only type of access that you can always make safely using multiple FPGA VI references is reading controls and indicators.

Note   You can have multiple host VIs access the same FPGA VI. However, you must use caution to avoid writing to or reading from the same FPGA VI at the same time.