Waveform Scalar Limit Comparison VI

Compares the waveform data values to a scalar value.



  • cmsdt.png data

    data is the waveform that includes the data you want to compare to a specified limit.

  • cu16.png compare condition

    compare condition indicates whether the highest or lowest data value of waveform must be lower than and/or equal to or higher than and/or equal to the number in limit.

    0<—The highest or lowest value in the waveform is less than the limit.
    1<=—The highest or lowest value in the waveform is less than or equal to the limit.
    2>—The highest or lowest value in the waveform is greater than the limit.
    3>= (default)—The highest or lowest value in the waveform is greater than or equal to the limit.
  • cdbl.png limit

    limit specifies the number to which you want to compare the highest or lowest data value in the waveform.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • i1dmsdt.png output waveforms

    output waveforms returns two waveforms in an array.

    The first is a copy of data. The second is the failure waveform, which is a copy of data with all elements that passed replaced by NaN. All valid elements are failures.

  • ibool.png passed?

    passed? indicates whether the highest or lowest data value met the compare condition based on the limit. FALSE indicates the highest or lowest data value did not meet the comparison.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

  • passed? is FALSE if any point in the waveform fails the specified comparison. For example, passed? is FALSE if any waveform point is greater than the limit value when compare condition is set to <.

    This VI also returns an array of waveforms where the first waveform is the original data. The second waveform contains the data with the failed limit comparison values replaced by NaN.


    Refer to the following example files included with LabVIEW.

    • labview\examples\Waveform\Waveform - Scalar Limit Comparison.vi