Invoke Node (ActiveX)

Invokes a method or action on a reference. Most methods have associated parameters.

The node operates in the same way as a standard Invoke Node.



  • caprn.png reference
    reference is the refnum associated with the ActiveX object on which you want to invoke a method or perform an action.
  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)
    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
  • cpoly.png Method
    input 1..n are example input parameters of a method.
  • iaprn.png reference out
    reference out returns reference unchanged.
  • ierrcodeclst.png error out
    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
  • ipoly.png Method
    return value is an example return value of a method.
  • param

    output 1..n are example output parameters of a method.

  • ActiveX does not support 64-bit integer data types. If you wire 64-bit integer data to a variant parameter of an ActiveX Invoke Node, LabVIEW converts the data to a double-precision, floating-point number. If you right-click the Invoke Node and select Select Class»ActiveX»Browse from the shortcut menu, LabVIEW displays the Select Object From Type Library dialog box.

    On the front panel or block diagram, right-click an ActiveX object, select Create»Invoke Node, and select a method from the shortcut menu to invoke a method for the object. You also can invoke ActiveX-specific methods for an ActiveX object. On the block diagram, right-click an ActiveX object, select Create»Invoke Node, and select an ActiveX-specific method from the shortcut menu.