Projection Properties

Adjusts the types of projections associated with the plot.

The plot can be projected onto the xy plane, xz plane, or yz plane.



  • ci32.png coordinate system

    coordinate system can be cwCartesian, cwCylindrical, or cwSpherical.

    The default is cwCartesian.

  • coarn.png 3D graph

    3D graph accepts the reference to the 3D control.

  • cbool.png xy projection

    xy projection projects an image of the plot onto the xy plane.

  • cbool.png xz projection

    xz projection projects an image of the plot onto the xz plane.

  • cbool.png yz projection

    yz projection projects an image of the plot onto the yz plane.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • cbool.png show projections only

    show projections only allows only the projections to be shown.

  • ci32.png plot number (1)

    plot number is the index into the list of plots from the properties of the 3D control.

    Add new plots by right-clicking the control and adjusting the properties. The default is the first plot from the list.

  • ioarn.png 3D graph out

    3D graph out passes the reference to the 3D control out so that you can use it with other VIs.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.