SINAD Analyzer N Chan VI
- Updated2025-01-28
- 5 minute(s) read
SINAD Analyzer N Chan VI
Takes a signal in and performs a full Signal in Noise and Distortion (SINAD) analysis, including measuring the fundamental frequency tone and returning the fundamental frequency and SINAD level in dB. Wire data to the signal in input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.
The multichannel waveform array input should be the result of a multichannel acquisition where each element of the array of waveforms is a distinct and separate channel of data.

![]() signals in is the array of input time-domain signals. ![]() export mode selects the source of the signal and spectrum to export to exported signals.
![]() error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality. ![]() advanced search controls the frequency domain search area, which is the center frequency and width, used for finding the fundamental frequency tone of the signal.
![]() exported signals is an array of exported signals.
![]() detected fundamental frequencies is an array containing the detected fundamental frequency resulting from searching the frequency domain for each waveform. ![]() SINAD is an array containing the measured Signal in Noise and Distortion (SINAD) for each waveform expressed in dB. SINAD is defined as the ratio of the RMS energy of the input signal to the RMS energy of the input signal less the energy in the fundamental. To compute the THD Plus Noise in dB, simply negate the SINAD in dB. ![]() THD Plus Noise is an array containing the measured total harmonic distortion plus noise for each waveform. ![]() error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality. ![]() measurements info is an array that returns information about your measurement, mainly warnings for inconsistencies in your input signal.
This VI is designed to process a single channel or multiple channels continuously, typically from within a For Loop or a While Loop.
THD Plus Noise in dB is the negative of the SINAD in dB.
Refer to the following example files included with LabVIEW.
- labview\examples\Signal Processing\Waveform Measurements\SINAD