Set Dynamic Data Attributes

Sets the attributes of the dynamic data you wire to Signals In.


Dialog Box Options

Option Description
All Signals Contains the following options:
  • Start timestamp

    Specifies whether to set the start timestamp of the signals.

Signal Index

Specifies the index of the signal whose attributes you want to set. The default is 0.

Signal Index contains the following options:

  • Signal name

    Specifies whether to set the name of the signal.

    • Signal name value

      Specifies the name of the signal.

      This option is available only if you place a checkmark in the Signal name checkbox.

  • Time mode

    Specifies whether to apply absolute time or relative time to the signal.

    • Time mode value
      Specifies the time mode to apply to the signal. You can choose from the following options:
      • Absolute (default)—Displays the timestamp in terms of time elapsed since 12:00 a.m., Friday, January 1, 1904, Universal Time [01-01-1904 00:00:00].
      • Relative—Displays the timestamp in terms of seconds starting from zero. For example, 100 in relative time equals 1 minute and 40 seconds.

      This option is available only if you place a checkmark in the Time mode checkbox.

  • Timestamp

    Specifies whether to set the timestamp of the signal.

    • Timestamp value

      Specifies the timestamp to apply to the signal.

      This option is available only if you place a checkmark in the Timestamp checkbox.

  • X dimension

    Specifies whether to set the X dimension of the signal.

    • X dimension value
      Specifies the X dimension of the signal. You can choose from the following options:
      • No Unit [-] (default)
      • Time [sec]
      • Frequency [Hz]

      This option is available only if you place a checkmark in the X dimension checkbox.

  • Unit

    Specifies whether to set the unit of measurement of the signal.

    • Unit value

      Specifies the unit of measurement of the signal. For example, if the signal whose attributes you want to set measures voltage, you can specify V for volts or kV for kilo volts.

      This option is available only if you place a checkmark in the Unit checkbox.


  • cerrcodeclst.png error in
    Describes error conditions that occur before this node runs.
  • cexpdynwdt.png Signals In
    Specifies the dynamic data that contains the input signal or signals.
  • ci32.png Signal Index
    Specifies the index of the signal whose attributes you want to configure.

    The value you wire to this input overrides the value you set in the configuration dialog box.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out
    Contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
  • iexpdynwdt.png Signals Out
    Returns the dynamic data that contains the signal you set with this Express VI and any unchanged signals from Signals In.