Align and Resample

Performs an alignment of signals by changing the start time or performs a resampling of signals by changing the time delta. This Express VI returns the adjusted signals.


Dialog Box Options


  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    Describes error conditions that occur before this node runs.

  • cbool.png Reset

    Controls the initialization of the internal state of the VI. The default is FALSE.

  • cexpdynwdt.png Signals 2

    Contains the input signal(s).

  • cexpdynwdt.png Signals

    Contains the input signal or signals.

  • cexpdynwdt.png Reference Signal

    Contains a reference signal whose sampling interval is used as the rate at which this Express VI resamples the input signals. If you wire a value to this input, the wired value overrides the value you set in the configuration dialog box.

  • cdbl.png dt

    Specifies a sampling interval you define. If you wire a value to this input, the wired value overrides the value you set in the configuration dialog box.

  • iexpdynwdt.png Resampled Signals

    Returns the resampled signals.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    Contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

  • iexpdynwdt.png Resampled Signals 2

    Returns the resampled signals.