Scale VI

Removes the offset of an input signal X and then scales the result so that the output sequence is in the range [–1:1].


You can use this VI to normalize any numerical sequence with the assurance that the range of the output sequence is [–1:1].

If X is an array of zeros, this VI returns scale as 1, offset as 0, and Y=(X–offset)/scale as an array of zeros.

Scale 1D

This VI calculates Y=(X–offset)/scale using the following equations:

scale = 0.5(max – min) offset = min + scale

where max denotes the maximum value in X and min denotes the minimum value in X.

The following equation defines each element of Y.

Y[i] = (X[i] – offset)/scale

Scale 2D

This VI calculates Y=(X-offset)/scale using the following equations:

scale = 0.5(max - min) offset = min + 0.5 scale

where max denotes the maximum value in X and min denotes the minimum value in X.

The following equation defines each element of Y.

Y[i,j] = (X[i,j] – offset)/scale.